trailer tyres
On the road
Trailer tyres
Designed for improved tread wear, fuel savings, excellent retread ability and exceptional traction for the trailer’s driver confidence

Background picture long-distance freight haulage Freight transport
Poids lourd sur autoroute
Our most fuel-efficient trailer tyres
Reduce rolling resistance and increase fuel economy.
Discover our tyres designed for fuel savings, durability, and exceptional traction for driver confidence.
Find the right trailer tyres for fuel efficiency :

Edito regrooving hero image Freight transport Help and Advice
Un pneu en phase de recreusage en usine

long lasting performance picture
Our adapted offers for long lasting performance trailer tyres
Michelin is always committed to developing and improving our tyre performances, we help you save time and money

Edito picture regrooving retreading visit hamburg Freight transport Help and Advice
Rechapage d'un pneu en atelier

trailer tires safety
Our best offers to drive safe and be on time
The success of your business depends on your commercial vehicle.
You can’t lose time; you should keep driving in all weather and on all terrains!
Find the right trailer tyres for a safe driving :

key vi oncall