Rigid Dump truck (RDT) fitted with MICHELIN mining tyres

Rigid Dump truck fitted with MICHELIN mining tyres

How to Make Your Dump Truck Tyres Last Longer

Dump trucks are crucial tools in the mining and construction sectors, and the condition of their tyres significantly impacts overall productivity. This article provides essential guidelines for effectively maintaining dump truck tyres. By following these truck tyre maintenance tips, not only you can enhance tyre performance and ensure safe operations on the job site but also reduce operating costs on your earthmover tyres.

Keep Them Clean

One of the most fundamental yet effective tips for maintaining your dump truck is to keep the tyres and wheels clean after each use. This involves washing away dirt, grime, ice, salt, and chemicals that can cause corrosion and wear.  

Regular cleaning not only enhances appearance but also prolongs the lifespan and performance of the tyres and wheels. Use suitable cleaning agents and ensure all residues are thoroughly rinsed off. Investing time in this maintenance will reduce the need for repairs and replacements.

Maintain Proper Tyre Pressure

It's important to regularly check the tyre pressures when the tyres are cold. Remember that underinflation may lead to uneven wear and increased heat buildup due to excessive sidewall flexing, which can be hazardous. Conversely, overinflation can heighten the risk of impact damage, premature wear, and diminish traction on the road.

Therefore, keep the pressure as recommended by the tyre manufacturer but you can adjust the tyre pressure according to the specific conditions of the terrain you will be driving on, ambient temperature, and load carry for optimal performance. Utilising a Tyre Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) can simplify this process.

Monitor and Control Operating Temperatures

Allow tyres to cool down periodically during intensive use, ideally every two hours during long hauls. This helps maintain their performance and longevity. Additionally, avoid parking hot tyres on hot surfaces for extended periods, as this can lead to increased wear and damage. For enhanced safety and performance, consider utilising tyre temperature monitoring systems to keep track of tyre conditions in real time.

Adjust Loads and Load Distribution

Adhere to the recommended load limits for your vehicle. Overloading can increase pressure on the tyres, leading to faster tyre wear and bead damage, tyre failure, and a higher risk of rollovers. It’s also essential to regularly check the load distribution to ensure optimal safety and performance.


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Improve Haul Road Condition

To ensure safe and efficient road conditions on the site, keep the roads well-graded and clear of debris. Proper drainage maintenance is crucial to prevent water accumulation, as this can help minimize the risk of cracks caused by increased tyre pressure and cuts from sharp objects when the tyres are wet.

In addition, regularly removing sharp rocks and other hazardous materials contributes to roadway safety. Furthermore, designing suitable berms and curves can effectively reduce tyre stress, enhancing the overall driving experience.

Train Operators on Proper Driving Techniques

To ensure a safer driving experience, your operators should consider the following tips:

  1. Maintain Smooth Acceleration and Braking: Avoid sudden speed changes, as these can lead to loss of control and increased wear on your vehicle, especially when driving on stony surfaces with reduced tyre pressure. 

  2. Navigate Road Hazards Carefully: Steer clear of potholes and debris whenever possible. If you must encounter them, slow down to reduce potential damage to your tyre and vehicle. 

  3. Take Corners Gradually: Approach turns with caution and reduce your speed to avoid tyre wear. 

  4. Limit Tyre Spinning and Excessive Maneuvering: Minimize actions that cause unnecessary tyre spin or overheating, resulting in damage to the tyre’s structural integrity.

Following these guidelines can contribute to a safer driving environment for you and others on the road.

Implement a Tyre Rotation Program

Generally, the rear tyres of a truck usually wear out faster than those in the front. To optimise the lifespan and performance of your mining truck tyres, it's essential to rotate them based on observed wear patterns. This involves moving the more worn tyres to locations on the vehicle that experience less stress, helping to balance overall wear. Additionally, maintaining detailed records of your tyre rotation schedules can assist in monitoring tyre health and ensure timely rotations are performed.


Change of rigid dump truck tyre

engin dumper mining tyre change


Regular Inspection

Regularly inspect your mining dump truck tyres for any signs of damage, such as cuts, punctures, embedded objects, and unusual wear patterns, as these issues can potentially lead to a blowout. Check the wheels for loose lug nuts, damaged valve stems and rims, cracks, and irregular wear. Also, check if there are faulty brakes or poorly adjusted suspension that can lead to faster tyre wear.

When it comes to dual tyre fitments, they demand careful attention to ensure optimal condition. Misalignment can lead to the tyres rubbing against one another, which can cause significant wear and damage. It's also important to check for debris that may become trapped in the gaps between the tyres, as this can also contribute to issues. The inner tyres are often overlooked but they should not be neglected, especially if they sustain any damage. Regular inspection and maintenance are essential for optimal performance and safety.

If you notice wheel alignment issues or tyre damage, addressing them promptly is crucial to ensure safe driving. For minor damages, seek repairs from professionals before they escalate into more significant problems. See more information on the tyre inspection guide here.

In case your dump truck tyres are worn out, consider retreading them. MICHELIN provides a professional tyre retreading service to extend the life of your tyres, helping you save money and reduce waste at the same time. However, not all tyres are retreadable but MICHELIN tyres can be retreaded without any issues.

Investing in Quality Tyres

If you are considering replacing your dump truck tyres with new ones, it might be tempting to cut some production costs by purchasing budget tyres. However, quality tyres are made to withstand the toughest conditions and last longer. At MICHELIN, we offer a diverse selection of high-quality dump truck tyres designed to meet the needs of various vehicles, including rigid dump trucks, articulated dump trucks, trailers, and more.

Our commitment to continuous improvement ensures that these tyres are developed with the latest technology and performance standards in mind, providing reliability and durability for your trucking operations.

You can find them in the construction industry or mining and quarrying industry page. Should you need to know more about how to choose tyres for your dump trucks, visit our guide here.

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