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Inspection and maintenance
How to check and care for earthmover tyres.
General recommendations
Ensure that the machine is stationary and secured before any inspection.
Tyres must be inspected regularly in order to detect any unusual wear and potential damage.
Wheel torque must be checked in accordance with the machine manufacturer’s recommendations.
Any perforations, cuts or visible distortion of the tread, sidewalls or flange area must be the subject of a thorough examination of the tyre by a tyre professional. It is the same for any damage to the rim.
In all circumstances, do not put a tyre that exhibits damage back into operation, such as deformed bead or visible bead wire, separations between components, visible cable cords, damage from petroleum products or corrosive particles, marbling or abrasion of the interior rubber resulting from any running at insufficient pressure.
Each time the machine is inspected, check that the valve cap is in good condition. If in doubt, replace it.
Checking wear
Checking for wear must always be carried out at several points on the tyre.
This check can be carried out using a tyre depth gauge or by looking for signs of wear on the tread (noted on the sidewall by a symbol when present).
If the legal or technical limit for wear has been reached, the tyre must be removed and replaced.
A tyre professional should be consulted if there is abnormal wear or a difference in wear between two tyres on the same axle.

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man checking a tire

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Yellow articulated dump truck in action

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Product service life
Tyres are made from different types of materials and rubber-based components, whose properties are essential to the proper running of the tyre itself. These properties evolve over time.
For each tyre, this evolution depends on many factors, such as climate, storage conditions (temperature, humidity, position, etc.), and conditions of use (load, speed, inflation pressure, road damage, etc.) to which the tyre is subjected during its working life.
These in-use conditions vary so much that it is impossible to predict the life of a tyre with any accuracy. This is why, in addition to regular user checks, it is recommended to have the tyres regularly checked by a qualified tyre professional, who will determine whether the tyre is fit to continue in operation.
Michelin may in no way be held responsible for damage that may occur as a result of use contrary to its instructions.
You might also find these help and advice pages useful:
• Choosing the right tyre
• Reading the sidewall of an earthmover tyre
• Fitting and removing tyres
• How should you store your tyres?
• What is the right pressure for earthmover tyres?
• Repairing earthmover tyres